

PETALL project awarded the European Languages Label 2016

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The PETALL project was awarded the European Languages Label (ELL) by the Portuguese Erasmus + Agency. Lucia Tardão prepared the paperwork and submitted it for the 2016 application.

The results came out in December 2016.

The ELL, it is “an award encouraging new initiatives in the field of teaching and learning languages, the rewarding of new techniques in language teaching, and spreading the knowledge of languages’ existence, thereby promoting good practice.”

Quoted from

This is an outstanding recognition of our work and we thank the Portuguese National Agency for the Award!

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Master thesis of one of our researchers awarded with distinction

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Beatriz Moreno Castillo has presented her master thesis “The Wellbeing of Foreign Language Teachers: An Exploratory Study”


The aim of this study is to research the wellbeing of secondary school foreign language teachers, examining the factors and processes which affect it and how it can be enhanced. The teaching profession is claimed to be remarkably demanding with plenty of responsibilities and challenges on the part of teachers. This is the reason why most studies have traditionally focused on analysing the negative effects of teacher burnout and stress. Nevertheless, in the last few years, there has been a shift of paradigm and teacher wellbeing has started to gain prominence and be widely researched.

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EFL Teachers Trainees’ Perceptions on Teacher Wellbeing

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By Manuel J. Cardoso Pulido

University of Granada (Spain)

Wellbeing Dissertation Summary


Manuel Cardoso Pulido is about to present his doctoral thesis.

This doctoral dissertation is aimed at diagnosing the current situation of pre-service language teacher training in relation to the concept of teacher wellbeing. Specifically, our research is focussed on pre-service foreign language teacher training. Our study combines descriptive, qualitative and quantitative methodos.

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From Burnout to Wellbeing in Foreign Language Teaching: State of the Art in Theoretical and Applied Research

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By Cristina Pérez Valverde, Juan Ramón Guijarro Ojeda and Manuel Jesús Cardoso Pulido.

University of Granada (Spain)

INTED, 10th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference


As the first step in our study of foreign language teacher wellbeing, we provide an overview of literature on burnout and wellbeing, together with an analysis of the distinctiveness of foreign language (henceforward FL) teachers.

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