Dra. Sacramento Jáimez Muñoz

Catedrática Educación Secundaria (Inglés), Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía, IES Francisco Ayala. Coordinadora provincial de Plurilingüismo en la Delegación de Educación de Granada (2006-09). Miembro de la Comisión Técnica del Plurilingüismo en Andalucía. Evaluadora de Proyectos Europeos Comenius y Grundtvig.

Dr. Mark Gant

Modern Languages Department. University of Chester


Dr. Przemek Gębal

Department of Language Teaching and Learning. Institute of Applied Linguistics. University of Warsaw.

Teacher’s well-being has long belonged to the very core of my academic interests, the result of which is my postdoctoral thesis on models of foreign language teachers’ education in Poland and Germany (“Models of language teacher education in Poland and Germany. Towards the comparative foreign languages didactics”). My team has recently completed the project “JASNE – Alles klar!”, developed under the EU Lifelong Learning Programme and aimed at creating language skills profiles and language teaching modules for professional purposes. Our Polish team cooperated with partners from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany and Slovakia. Please find the link to the project website below.

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