Annotated bibliography

Aelterman et al (2007): Study of teacher wellbeing in Flanders

  • Link:

  • Definition of wellbeing: Well-being expresses a positive emotional state, which is the result of harmony between the sum of specific environmental factors on the one hand and the personal needs and expectations of teachers on the other.

  • Goals: Identification of factors influencing and enhancing the well-being. To assess the school’s contribution to the teachers’ well-being.

  • Factors fall under three categories: related to the person, to the profession and the workplace, and to society

  • Research questions:

    1. What aspects in the classroom and at school level do teachers find relevant for their well-being?

    2. Which of them do connect with school policy and national education policy?

    3. Which perceptions correlate to general professional well-being the most?

  • Which school characteristics increase the chances of experiencing the school as a positive working environment?

  • Method:

    • Panel discussions (teachers and principals; Atlas ti computer program for analysing and coding discussion material); Questionnaire (based on the results of the panel discussions); Survey

    • Key aspects: self-efficacy, experienced pressure of work, support from principal, support from colleagues, attitude towards innovations, strong pupil centred orientation and the relationship with parents. Formal personal features: age, function, and having a permanent appointment or not.

Bricheno et al (2009): Teacher Support Network

  • Link:

  • Description: It evaluates “the evidence available about teacher wellbeing. It used analysis of the relevant literature and interviews with 31 stakeholders or experts to explore concepts and arguments about teacher wellbeing, conditions under which it is promoted or undermined, effectiveness of different kinds of support and the influence of teacher wellbeing on student achievement. It also examined the ways in which teachers’ work-related “wellbeing” has been construed. The basic framework for the analysis looked at evidence relating to nine elements that have been considered to be possible influences on, or effects of, wellbeing: demands on teachers, locus of control over their work, support for them, impact of change, clarity of role, demographic influences, comparisons with other groups, interventions and the relationship of teacher wellbeing with student achievement”.

De Pablos, Colás & González (2011)

  • Link:,colasgonzaleztere.pdf

  • Description: They designed a Teacher Wellbeing Questionnaire (in relation to TICs). Seven aspects included: motivations, emotions, competences, personal satisfaction, satisfaction with professional environment, professional and life projects and values, school culture and identity. Interactionist model. Subjective wellbeing understood as relation between personal factors and context characteristics.

Van Horn, J. E., Taris, T. W., Schaufeli, W. B. and Shreurs, P.J.C. (2004), A multidimensional approach to measuring teacher wellbeing, Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, 77, 365–375.

  • Description: Multidimensional model, including an affective, motivational, behavioral, cognitive, and psychosomatic dimension. A 5-dimensional model for occupational well-being.

Ribes et al. (2008)

  • Link:

  • Description: They establish a list of wellbeing indicators considering a) emotional wellbeing, b) interpersonal relations, c) professional development. Type of research: analysis of life stories of seven teachers (good practitioners). Results: importance of reflective practices during training (teachers’ reflective awareness). Competences: emotional awareness, self-efficacy, positive attitudes towards changes, development of communicative abilities and links with families, cooperative and collaborative work or team work, being able to ask / look for help, strong sense of individual and group responsibility.

Turner et al. (2011)

Vesely et al. (2014) – “EI Training and pre-service teacher wellbeing”

  • Link:

  • Description: A modified version of the program, ‘‘Managing Occupational Stress through the Development of Emotional Intelligence’’ (Hansen, Gardner, & Stough, 2007), was administered to pre-service teachers over a five-week period in two Canadian universities.

Pérez Valverde, C., Guijarro Ojeda, J.R. and Cardoso Pulido, M.J. (2016) – “From Burnout to Wellbeing in Foreign Language Teaching: State of the Art in Theoretical and Applied Research”

  • Link: See more

  • Description:

    • As the first step in our study of foreign language teacher wellbeing, we provide an overview of literature on burnout and wellbeing, together with an analysis of the distinctiveness of foreign language (henceforward FL) teachers.

    • Previous work on in-service teacher training and wellbeing will be also reported, since they form the starting point of our theoretical framework.

    • We offer a review of the experimental studies that have served as the basis for the devisal of our methodological approach, which entails a combination of qualitative and quantitative instruments, namely narrative analysis, discussion groups, interviews, and questionnaires.

Pérez Valverde, C., Guijarro Ojeda, J.R. and Cardoso Pulido, M.J. (2016) – “The wellbeing of FL teachers: current challenges”

  • Link: See more

  • Description: MESA REDONDA International Conference “New Trends in Foreign Language Teaching”, 2016

    • current theoretical and empirical research on teacher wellbeing: state of the matter.

    • the wellbeing of in-service FL teachers in the light of the unique nature of the very processes of language teaching and learning.

    • wellbeing in the training of pre-service FL teachers.

Further references

 Teacher Wellbeing

  • Austin, E. J., Saklofske, D. H., & Egan, V. (2005): “Personality, well-being and health correlates of trait emotional intelligence”, Personality and Individual Differences, 38, 547–558.

  • Bond, L., Glover, S., Godfrey, C., Butler, H. & Patton, G.C. (2001): “Building capacity for system-level change in schools: Lessons from the Gatehouse Project”, Health Education and Behaviour, 28, 368-83.

  • Both, J., Vieira, J., Noriko, C., Fogliarini, C. A. & Ferreti, A. (2013): “Bem-Estar do Trabalhador Docente em Educação Física ao longo da Carreira”, Revista de Educação Física UEM, 24 (2): 233-246.

  • Brackett, M., & Katulak, N. A. (2006): “Emotional intelligence in the classroom: skill- based training for teachers and students”. En J. Ciarrochi & J. D. Mayer (Eds.), Applying emotional intelligence: A practitioner’s guide: 1–27. New York: Psychol. Press/Taylor & Francis.

  • Friedman, I. A. & Kass, E. (2002): “Teacher self-efficacy: a classroom-organization conceptualization”, Teaching and Teacher Education, 18: 675-686.

  • Formas, J. P. (2000): Feeling and thinking. The role of affect in social cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Goleman, D. (1995): Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam.

  • Greenberg, M., Weissber, R., O’Brien, M., Zins, J., Fredericks, L., Resnik, H. & Elias, M. (2003): “Enhancing school-based prevention and youth development through co-ordinated social, emotional and academic learning”, American Psychologist, 58, 466-74.

  • Hargreaves, A. (1997): Rethinking educational change with heart and mind. Alejandria: The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Yearbook.

  • Hromek, R. (2004): Planting the peace virus: Early intervention to prevent violence in schools. Bristol: Lucky Duck Publishing.

  • Jennings, P.A. & Greenberg, M.T. (2009): The pro-social classroom: Teacher social and emotional competence in relation to student and classroom outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 79 (1), 491-525.

  • Miller, A. (1994): “Mainstream teachers talking about successful behaviour support” En P. Gray, A. Miller & J. Noakes. Challenging behaviour in schools. London and New York: Routledge.

  • Oatley, K. & Jenkins, J. M. (1996): Understanding emotions. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

  • Perry, C., & Ball, I. (2005): “Emotional intelligence and teaching: Further validation evidence”, Issues in Educational Research, 15, 175–192.

  • Roffey, S. (2005): “Respect in practice – the challenge of emotional literacy in education”, Australian Association for Research in Education: 1-13.

  • Rogers, B. (1999): Towards a model for colleague support: Matching support to needs and contexts. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Melbourne University.

  • ______ (2006): I get by with a little help… Colleague support in schools. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.

  • Roffey, S. (2007): “Transformation and emotional literacy: The role of school leaders in developing a caring community”, Leading & Managing, 13(1), 16-30.

  • Roffey, S. (2008): “Emotional literacy and the ecology of school wellbeing”, Education and Child Psychology, 25(2), 29-39.

  • Tschannen-Moran, M., Woolfolk-Hoy, A. & Hoy, W. K. (2001): “Teacher efficacy: Capturing an elusive construct”. Teaching and Teacher Education, 4 (2), 171-187.

  • Vesely, A. V., Saklofske, D. H., & Leschied, A. D. W. (2013): “Teachers- The vital resource: The contribution of emotional intelligence to teacher efficacy and well-being”, Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 28, 71–89.

  • Webb, R., Vulliamy, G., Sarja, A., Hämäläinen, S. & Poikonen, P. L. (2009): “Professional learning communities and teacher well-being? A comparative analysis of primary schools in England and Finland”, Oxford Review of Education, 35 (3), 405-422.

  • Pillay, H., Goddard, R. & Wilss, L. (2005): “Well-Being, Burnout and Competence: Implications for Teachers”, Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 30 (2): 22-33.

  • Rowling, L. (2005): “Health and wellbeing and the whole school community”, Presentation at MindMatters Conference, Sydney.

  • Scottish Health Promoting Schools Unit (SHPSU). (2004): Being well – doing well. Dundee: SHPSU.

  • Sugai, G. & Horner, R. (2002): “Introduction to the special series on positive behaviour support in schools”, Journal of Emotional and Behavioural Disorders, 10(3), 130-35.

  • Tschannen-Moran, M., Woolfolk-Hoy, A. & Hoy, W. K. (2001): “Teacher efficacy: Capturing an elusive construct”. Teaching and Teacher Education, 4 (2), 171-187.

  • Weare, K. (2000): Promoting mental, emotional and social health: A whole school approach. London: Routledge.

  • Weare, K. & Gray, G. (2003): “What works in developing children’s emotional and social competence and wellbeing?” Department for Education and Skills research report, 456. Londres: DfES.

  • Woolfolk-Hoy, A. & Murphy, P. K. (2001): “Teaching educational psychology to the implicit mind”. En B. Torff & R. Sternberg (Eds.), Understanding and teaching the intuitive mind (pp: 145-186). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

 Teacher stress and burnout

  • Austin, V., Shah, S. & Muncer, S. (2005): “Teacher stress and coping strategies used to reduced stress”, Occupational Therapy International 12 (2), 63-80.

  • Boyle, G. I., Borg, M. G., Falzon, I. M. & Balioni, A. I. (1995): “A structural model of the dimensions of teacher stress”. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 65, 49-67.

  • Brow, M. & Ralph, S. (1992): “From time management to aromatherapy – orthodox and alternative in-service training strategies for managing teacher stress”, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 65: 49-67.

  • Capel, S. A. (1997): “Changes in students’ anxieties and concerns after their first and second teaching practices”, Educational Research, 39 (2): 211-228.

  • Cartwright, S. & Cooper, C. L. (1997): Managing Workplace Stress. London: Sage.

  • Cano-García, F. J., Padilla-Muñoz, E. M. & Carrasco-Ortiz, M. A. (2005): “Personality and contextual variables in teacher burnout”. Personality and Individual Differences, 38: 929-940.

  • Dean, C. (2000): “Teaching can make you sicker for longer”, Times Education Supplement, Mayo 19: 9.

  • Dick, R. V. & Wagner, U. (2001): “Stress and strain in teaching: A structural equation approach”. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 71, 243-259.

  • Dunham, J. (1992): Stress in teaching. London: Routledge.

  • Chan, D. W. & Hui, E. K. P. (1995): “Burnout and coping among Chinese secondary school teachers in Hong Kong”. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 65, 15-25.

  • Education Service Advisory Committee (1998): Managing Work-related Stress: a guide for managers and teachers in the schools. Londres: HMSO.

  • Folkman, S. & Lazarus, R. S. (1988): Ways of Coping Questionnaire Task Booklet. California: Psychology Press.

  • Iverson, R. D., Olekalns, M. & Erwin, P. J. (1998): “Affectivity, organizational stressors, and absenteeism: A casual model of burnout and its consequences”. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 52, 1-23.

  • Kaplan, H. B. (1996): “Psychosocial stress from the perspective of self theory”. En H. B. Kaplan (Ed.). Psychosocial stress: Perspective on structure, theory, life-course, and methods, 175-244. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

  • Keable, D. (1996): “Managing stress” en M. Wilson (Ed.), Occupational Therapy in Short-Term Psychiatry (3ª Ed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.

  • Kyriacou, C. & Sutcliffe, J. (1979): “A note on teacher stress and locus of control”, Journal of occupational Psychology, 52: 227-228.

  • Kyriacou, C. (2001): “Teacher stress: Directions for future research”. Educational Review, 53 (1), 27-35.

  • Kokkinos, C. M. (2007): “Job stressors, personality and burnout in primary school teachers”. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 229-243.

  • Mills, L. B. & Huebner, E. S. (1998): “A prospective study of personality characteristics, occupational stressors, and burnout among school psychology practitioners”. Journal of School Psychology, 36, 103-120.

  • Murphy, L. R. (1996): “Stress management in work settings: A critical review of health effects”, American Journal of Health Promotion, 11: 112-135.

  • Rogers, W. A. (1996): Managing Teacher Stress. Londres: Pitman.

  • Saklofske, D. H., Austin, E. J., Mastoras, S. M., Beaton, L., & Osborne, S. E. (2012): “Relationships of personality, affect, emotional intelligence and coping with student stress and academic success: Different patterns of association for stress and success”, Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 251–257.

  • TBF (2000): Managing Stress in Schools: teacherline first report. Londres: TBF, The Teacher Support Network.

  • Travers, C. J. & Cooper, C. L. (1996): Teachers under pressure: Stress in the teaching profession. London: Routledge.

  • Schafer,W. (1996): Stress Management for Wellness (3ª Ed.). Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College.

  • Seidman, S. A. & Zager, J. (1991): “A study of coping behaviours and teacher burnout”, Work and Stress, 5: 205-216.

  • Stein, F., Bentley, D. & Natz, M. (1999): “Computerized assessment: The Stress Management Questionnaire” en B. Hemphill-Pearson (Ed.), Assessment in Occupational Therapy Mental Health: An Integrative Approach. Thorofare, N.J.: Slack.

  • Vaezi, N. & Fallah, N. (2011): “The Relationship between Self-efficacy and Stress among Iranian EFL Teachers”. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2 (5), 1168-1174.

  • Zellars, K., Perrewé, P. & Hochwarter, W. (2000): “Burnout in health care: The role of the five factors of personality”. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30, 1570-1598.

Pre-service teachers

  • Bird, T., Anderson, L., Sullivan, B. & Swidler, S. (1992): Pedagogical balancing acts: A teacher educator encounters problems in an attempt to influence prospective teachers’ beliefs. Washington, DC: Office of Educational Research and Improvement.

  • Book, C., Byers, J. & Freeman, D. (1983): “Student expectations and teacher education traditions with which we can and cannot live”, Journal of Teacher Education, 34 (1), 9-13.

  • Bullough, R.V. (2008): Counternarratives: studies of teacher education and becoming and being a teacher. Albany, NY: State University Press of New York Press.

  • Calderhead, J. & Robson, M. (1991): “Images of teaching: Student teachers’ early conceptions of classroom practice”, Teaching and Teacher Education, 7, 1-8.

  • Corbet, D. & Wilson, B. (2002): “What urban students say about good teaching”, Educational Leadership, 60, 18-22.

  • Cruickshank, K., & Westbrook, R. (2013): “Local and global – conflicting perspectives? The place of overseas practicum in preservice teacher education”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 41 (1): 55-68.

  • Dang, T. K. A. (2013): “Identity in activity: Examining teacher professional identity formation in the paired-placement of student teachers”, Teaching and Teacher Education, 30: 47-59.

  • Goodnough, K., Osmond, P., Dibbon, D., Glassman, M., & Stevens, K. (2009): Exploring a triad model of student teaching: Pre-service teacher and cooperating teacher perceptions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25 (2): 285-296.

  • Gupta, R. & Saravanan, V. (1995): “Old beliefs impede student teacher learning of reading instruction”, Journal of Education for Teaching, 21, 347-360.

  • Hawkey, K. (2006): “Emotional intelligence and mentoring in pre-service teacher education: a literature review”, Mentoring & Tutoring, 14 (2), 137-147.

  • Jacobs, E. (1968): “Attitude change in teacher education: An inquiry into the role of attitudes in changing teacher behavior”, Journal of Teacher Education, 19, 410-415.

  • Marso, R. & Pigge, F. (1989): “The influence of preservice training and teaching experience upon attitude and concerns about teaching”, Teaching and Teacher Education, 5, 33-41.

  • Murphy, P. K., Delli, L. A. M. & Edwards, M. N. (2004): “The Good Teacher and Good Teaching: Comparing Beliefs of Second-Grade Students, Preservice Teachers, and Inservice Teachers”. The Journal of Experimental Education, 72 (2), 69-92.

  • Nguyen, H. T. M., & Hudson, P. (2012): “Preservice EFL teachers’ reflections on mentoring during their practicum” En C. Gitsaki & B. B. J. Richard (Eds.), Future directions in applied linguistics: Local and global perspective: 158-178. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar Publishing.

  • Nguyen, H. T. (2013): “Peer Mentoring: A Way Forward for Supporting Preservice EFL Teachers Psychosocially During the Practicum”, Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38 (7): 31-44.

  • Pérez Valverde, C. & Ruiz-Cecilia, R. (2014): “The development of FL teachers’ professional identity through the production of narratives”, Porta Linguarum, 22, 61-72.

  • Richardson, V. (1996): “The role of attitudes and beliefs in learning to teach”. En J. Siluka (Ed.), Handbook of research on teacher education, (2nd ed. pp: 102-119). New York: Macmillan.

  • Weinstein, C. (1988): “Preservice teachers’ expectations about the first year of teaching”, Teaching and Teacher Education, 4 (1), 31-40.

  • ______ (1989): “Teacher education students’ perceptions of teaching”, Journal of Teacher Education, 40 (2), 53-60.

Foreign language teaching

  • Arnold, J. (Ed). (1999): Affect in Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Borg, S. (2006): “The distinctive characteristics of foreign language teachers”, Language Teaching Research, 10(1): 3-31.

  • Brannan, D., & Bleistein, T. (2012): “Novice ESOL teachers’ perceptions of social support networks”, TESOL Quarterly, 46 (3): 519-541.

  • Brosh, H. (1996): “Perceived characteristics of the effective language teacher”, Foreign Language Annals, 29: 125-138.

  • Farrell, T. S. C. (2008): “‘Here’s the book, go teach the class’: ELT practicum support”, RELC Journal, 39 (2): 226-241.

  • Guijarro Ojeda, J. R. (2006): “La transversalidad como paradigma estructurante de la acción didáctica en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras”, Didáctica (Lengua y Literatura), 18: 163-183.

  • Gabryś-Barker, D. and Gałajda, D. ed. (2016), Positive Psychology Perspectives on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching, Switzerland: Springer,

  • Hammadou, J. and Bernhardt, E. (1987): “On being and becoming a foreign language teacher”, Theory into Practice, 26: 301-306.

  • Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. and Cope, J. A. (1986): “Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety”, Modern Language Journal, 70: 125-132.

  • Mousavi, E. S. (2007): “Exploring teacher stress in non-native and native teachers of EFL”, ELTED, 10: 33-41.

  • Piechurska-Kuciel, E. (2011): “Foreign Language Teacher Burnout: A Research Proposal”, M. Pawlak (ed.), Extending the Boundaries of Research on Second Language Learning and Teaching, 17: 211-223.

  • Prodromou, L. (1991): “The good language teacher”, English Teaching Forum, 29: 2-7.

  • Wieczoreck, A. (2016). High Inhibitions and Low Self-esteem as Factors Contributing to Foreign Language Teacher Stress. In: D. Gabryś-Barker and D. Gałajda, ed., Positive Psychology Perspectives on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Switzerland: Springer, pp. 231-247.

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